
Four seasons on a plate

Author: Jiří Babica, Jaroslav Sapík Format: 170x245mm Number of pages: 192 Binding: Fixed
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279 Kč (11,63 €)
List price: 349 Kč (14,54 €)
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List Number: 05794
EAN: 9788072815098
Price excluding VAT:279,20 Kč (11,63 €)
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The life mission of the authors of this unique book is cooking. They first met in 1978, on Wenceslas Square in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel, where Jaroslav was a chef and Jiří joined him as a cooking talent. "It was our progressive elves," recalls the nestor of Czech chefs, and his colleague adds: "I already realized that he was born for this profession." Four seasons are their first joint book project. Jaroslav Sapík, the top in the culinary field and the promoter of Czech cuisine at home and abroad, cooks for the general public and especially for guests in his family restaurant. Jiří Babica is one of our favorite television chefs and his domain is cooking designed for all. "I always wanted my recipes to be able to prepare my recipes at home and make cooking happy." The rhythm of alternating seasons is accompanied by their common book and deliciously winds up for a year. They use a lot of raw materials that are naturally available and belong to it at a given time. Therefore, goat cheese, young veal or sorrel, cherries and fish, plum and game - and winter, is of course a Czech pig slaughter. If you understand this, this book will become a joy and inspiration.

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