

Is it possible to talk about any humanity at all when the deceased must be cremated so that they are not eaten? Basterrica Augustine
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295 Kč (12,29 €)
List price: 369 Kč (15,38 €)
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List Number: 28584
EAN: 9788027702459
Manufacturer: Fobos
Price excluding VAT:295,20 Kč (12,30 €)
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When Agustina Basterrica won in 2017 with her freezing dystopia in the prestigious Clarin literary competition, she certainly had no idea that her book would soon become part of the story, and her novel would gain in date and urgency.
The world will change irreversibly when a deadly virus that transmits animals appears: from wild pets, all must be spent and their meat must no longer be eaten. Governments face the situation drastic: the enachaies will breed, defeat and consume people. Cannibalism will become part of everyday reality and society is divided into two groups: those who eat meat and those whose meat is consumed.

Marcos Teja, the Operational Director in the freezing rooms of Krieg, left his wife after the death of a little son, and he only lives a work he hates and continues to do it just to pay his father suffering from an old dementia.
On the day he gets a young woman, a "female" intended for meat breeding, his mind sets out on a dangerous journey that leads him to the dark bending to a situation that is hard to imagine for members of society as perverted as the one, in which he is forced to live.

Can we even talk about some humanity when they have to be died to be cremated to not be eaten?

Who is the other one, if we are what we eat?

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