
Three men on wandering

The sequel is again brought by three friends who were in the previous book, this time on the cycling road along Schwarzwald, Germany. Jerome Jerome Flap
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
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List Number: 29859
EAN: 9788027710348
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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Humorist novel Jeroma K. Jeroma Three Men on Toulky was released in 1900, eleven years after his most famous work, three men in the boat.

The sequel is again brought by three friends who were in the previous book, this time on the cycling road along Schwarzwald, Germany.

The novel was written close to the end of the cycling madness of the Victorian era, which began the development of a safe bicycle. It captures an era where bicycles have become known recreational middle class. For modern readers, references to the competition of brands, advertising and attitude of enthusiasts to their equipment resonate. At the same time, there are many allusions to the German Empire.

As in the previous novel, however, the author's fresh and intelligent humor plays the main role here, which he got both parts on the list of classics.

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