
Textile book Mole 10x10.5

Even a very small baby can be a 'big reader'. Don't you believe? Of course with a bit of exaggeration, but it works
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115 Kč (4,83 €)
List price: 149 Kč (6,26 €)
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List Number: P2680
EAN: 8590331709144
Price excluding VAT:94,82 Kč (3,98 €)
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The small textile book with the Mole will captivate the smallest children with its colorful pictures, each page is a different color and depicts the Mole and his friends. The book makes rustling sounds and this is very interesting for a small baby. All the characters have smiling faces, which children perceive very positively.

The collection for the little ones with the Mole is incredibly creative.

Dimensions: 9.5 x 9.5 cm

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