
GLADESHADE folding sun visor

Having trouble finding shade to protect your vehicle from the sun and heat while parking? The GLADESHADE UV Protection Folding Car Shade Project is a great product! This sunshade to protect you from UV rays is made of aluminum alloy - the same material used in the aviation industry!
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217 Kč (9,12 €)
List price: 289 Kč (12,14 €)
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List Number: P2394
EAN: 3831121196436
Price excluding VAT:179,13 Kč (7,53 €)
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Having trouble finding shade to protect your vehicle from the sun and heat while parking? The GLADESHADE foldable car sunshade with UV protection is the perfect product for you!

The GLADESHADE UV Protection Folding Car Shade Project is a great product! This visor to protect you from UV rays is made of aluminum alloy - the same material used in the aviation industry!

The GLADESHADE shade is a versatile product! It is designed to fit a wide variety of vehicles: vans, trucks, sedans and SUVs! Simply cut it to the size of your car's windshield!

Compared to other shades on the market, this shade is very quick to install! Simply pull the shade from right to left and stick it in place!

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