

The year 2000 is generally perceived as a moment when the Czech comic has been awakened after several years of hibernation. Bohemia Pavel
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384 Kč (16,00 €)
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List Number: 29205
EAN: 9788087595961
Price excluding VAT:384,00 Kč (16,00 €)
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2000 is generally perceived as a moment when the Czech comics has re -awakened after several years of hibernation. One of the key events of that year was the release of the double album Ruddy? This publication proved that domestic creators are able to draw and write a long yet entertaining comic book, which was definitely not a matter of course. Especially in the case of Ruddy, however, the publisher then somewhat made a pre -printing preparation, moreover, Pavel Čech returned to this hero in several shorter comics, and therefore makes sense to release Ruddy again, carefully and completely. His events will surely be pleased by his ancient fans and a new generation of readers, which thus gets a chance to get acquainted with Czech professional beginnings.

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