
Revenge - Historical Romance

What can cause a desire for revenge? He can take the most valuable - human life.M. A. Svobodová
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207 Kč (8,70 €)
List price: 259 Kč (10,88 €)
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List Number: 25625
EAN: 9788072298440
Price excluding VAT:207,20 Kč (8,71 €)
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What can cause a desire for revenge? He can take the most valuable - human life. Could it make a new life? Maybe… Anna hits her life quite unexpectedly and irreversibly changes her fate. Revenge, a historical romance from the late 15th century, tells the story of the life of a young woman from the lower nobility marked by love, hatred, hope and death. Anna of Vraný arrives at Mr. Hynek's estate near Kutné Hory, where their arranged marriage is to take place. Finding a way to an older man is not easy for Anna, but despite all the difficulties, he tries to gain his affection. But with the passing months, he loses the illusions of a happy life, and when black death appears, they melt completely. She often flees from Hynek's closeness and one such horse ride becomes fatal. Her life turns inside out. Thanks to this, Anna finds what she desires or experiences even more disappointment

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