
Since the beginning or the origin and development of life on Earth

When and how was the universe that we are part of? Where did life come from? Bajerowicz Katarzyna
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263 Kč (10,96 €)
List price: 329 Kč (13,71 €)
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List Number: 29965
EAN: 9788024287133
Price excluding VAT:263,20 Kč (10,97 €)
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When and how was the universe we were created? Where did life come from? What did the ground look like before a man appeared? What was at the beginning? Since the beginning of the ages, humanity asks these questions and is looking for answers. Katarzyna Bajerowicz on the website of his beautifully illustrated book offers a way to the beginnings of everything: planets, continents, living cells, plants and animals. You will learn about the great disasters and the victory of life, the animals that have been extinct, and those that survived, about climate change and organisms. Take with us on a fascinating journey that begins many billions of years ago and ends with a man.

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