
Magnetic hill

Enikő is a sociologist, just left her husband and returns from New York to Budapest. She is thirty, has ambitions and position at the university ..... Mán-várhegyi réka
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287 Kč (11,96 €)
List price: 359 Kč (14,96 €)
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List Number: 30303
EAN: 9788074434693
Manufacturer:Větrné M
Price excluding VAT:287,20 Kč (11,97 €)
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Enikő is a sociologist, she has just left her husband and returns from New York to Budapest. She is thirty, has ambitions and position at the university. He wants to write a book called Misery Hungarians. Tamás Bogdan is valid in the academic world for celebrity. The subject of his sociological research is Békasmegyer, a huge housing estate of the socialist cut on the periphery of Budapest, in whose center as a symbol is the magnetic hill. Coincidentally, his student Réka also grew up here. The story of this cleverly written novel winds the love relationship of Tamás with Enikő and later with Réka. At the same time, the writer Réka Mán-Várhegyi created a suggestive portrait of contemporary Hungarian society. This is readable and funny lovestors, but also a deep essay that does not deny the author's sociological interest and can change or completely change our view of Hungary and Hungarians.

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