
The Queen Elizabeth II.

It sounds unprecedented - vital, lively, charming and very graceful queen with the British with us and with us all ninety -six years, and for example, she was the longest "serving" ruler. Košťálová Michaela
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263 Kč (11,05 €)
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List Number: 28810
EAN: 9788072298778
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It sounds incredibly - vital, lively, charming and very graceful queen was with the British and with us all ninety -six years, plus the longest "serving" ruler.
Few of us boast a respectable time of ninety -six years of life. Some have already died, others were born only recently, yet since the early 1950s until the modern 21st century there was still one remarkable queen in Britain, already known as an elegant lady in colorful costumes and a becoming hat. But let's ask yourself. Do we really know it (especially the Czechs, which British history naturally affects only marginally) so well? We know her traditional customs, personal hobbies, hobbies or, for example The writer aims to engagingly and with ease to make readers of all sorts of events and customs of Alžbetina Dvora, who may justify in the Czech Republic as a large separate and unrecognized world. The publication also includes occasional comparison with the Czech history, which met with British at certain times.

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