
When you call my name

Adam is seventeen when a tall freckled boy named Callum invites him to the first date .... Shaw Tucker
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359 Kč (14,96 €)
List price: 449 Kč (18,71 €)
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List Number: 30547
EAN: 9788024287270
Price excluding VAT:359,20 Kč (14,97 €)
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Adam is seventeen when a tall freckled boy named Callum invites him to the first date. Adam falls in love with him at first glance, just as he knows from his favorite movies. But when Callum confides in his secrets, Adam faces cruel reality that stories have not prepared him.
Ben is obsessed with fashion. Because of the contradictions with his family, he leaves home and sets out to his brother to New York. For the first time in his lifetime, he seems to be himself. But his new world is more closed than he thought.
Their fates intertwine when Ben accidentally sees Sad Adam to sit by the river. They hit each other again and again while each of them is at a different intersection of life and the world of the 1990s shakes the Aids epidemics.
But as soon as they open their arms with new possibilities, they realize that sometimes only people who see us as we are. And the paths that have been missing can be unexpectedly connected to one.

Recommended Age 15+

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