

Charles Liblau knew well Nazi camps - Auschwitz, Březinka, Mauthausen, Melk, Ebensee, because he spent more than three years in them until liberation.Charles Liblau
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271 Kč (11,29 €)
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List Number: 25464
EAN: 9788074333347
Price excluding VAT:271,20 Kč (11,30 €)
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Charles Libla knew well Nazi camps - Auschwitz, Březinka, Mauthausen, Melk, Ebensee, because he spent more than three years in them until liberation. He describes what he experienced, saw, heard, remembered what was noticeably hit and stood in his heart and mind. In his words there is no hatred, the desire for revenge and retaliation, just ordinary human pain and indignation over humiliation of man. "These memories arouse resistance in me - it professes - I wrote them to show how one treats man." Without emotion, he describes the events in which blood in his veins solidifies as if he were their commentator and not a direct participant. He is very lucky. It gets from almost hopeless situations. Hungry, dirty, frightened and ragged, yet he can perceive the misery and suffering of others. His narrative about the camp life through the attitudes and behavior of those who commanded the prisoners directly shows the mechanism of the Nazi machine in bright light. It represents the Kapa from Auschwitz as objectively as possible, with some even trying to sympathize because they were caught into a terrible trap. This author's deep humanistic sensitivity proves that even in the inhuman conditions of Auschwitz and Březinka, one could maintain his own face, dignity and remain a man to a tragic end that he prepared for him.

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