
Homeopathic first aid - school in pocket

This homeopathic home physician describes the various acute situations that we most often encounter in everyday life .... Pudil Peter
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200 Kč (8,33 €)
List price: 250 Kč (10,42 €)
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List Number: 30444
EAN: 9788085993820
Price excluding VAT:200,00 Kč (8,33 €)
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This homeopathic home physician describes the various acute situations that we most often encounter in everyday life. They are both feverish conditions and diseases and different types of injuries. In individual situations, homeopathic drugs are described, which are best suited for their solution. The book is intended for an ordinary user uninitiated in the more complex secrets of homeopathy and acting within the family, friendly club or self -medication. It therefore discusses the way of selecting the drug, its use and how to evaluate its effect, as clearly, clearly and briefly. So that this handheld meets its function on a trip, work, in a means of transport, households, etc. and allowing the homeopathic means to be used in time and efficiently. Most of the drugs discussed are already freely available. The author of the manual lectures at the Homeopathic Academy and is one of our most experienced homeopaths.

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