
Animal disgust

This book is devoted to animals that are not beautiful or cute. And if they are, they have customs ... Banfi Cristina
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295 Kč (12,29 €)
List price: 369 Kč (15,38 €)
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List Number: 30328
EAN: 9788027720309
Price excluding VAT:295,20 Kč (12,30 €)
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This book deals with animals that are not beautiful or cute. And if they are, they have customs,
that are not even a little attractive. But they do not write about them because they want to slander these animals or because,
To give us a scandal. He wants to show us what all possible ways the animals have developed to make
She adapted to her environment and ensured survival, and how nature is inventive.
The reader will thus learn a large amount of information that may not be found in other books or textbooks, and
They will expand their education. And perhaps the unpleasant behavior of some animals will not seem so
disgusting, because he will know how important it is for these animals and what it is for them.
The book is the work of two authors - Cristina Banfi and Rossel Trionfetti. Cristina who wrote the text,
She studied natural sciences at the University of Milan and is an experienced author of textbooks and publications for children.
Rossel, who provided the book with beautiful illustrations, has been interested in nature and the outside world since childhood.
She graduated from the School of Applied Arts and has since focused mainly on children's work.

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