The disappearance of Josef Mengele

Author: Olivier Guez Format: 133x200mm Number of pages: 232 Binding: paperback Manufacturer: Garamond Edition Year: 2018
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260 Kč (10,83 €)
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List Number: 13977
EAN: 9788074074257
Price excluding VAT:260,00 Kč (10,83 €)
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1949: Josef Mengele arrives in Argentina. In disguise and under various pseudonyms, this "Angel of Death" from Auschwitz is trying to hide in Buenos Aires and start a new life. Peron's Argentina is hospitable to the former Nazis, and it seems that the whole world wants to forget the crimes of World War II. But the pursuit of war criminals is gaining strength and Mengele is forced to flee to Paraguay and then to Brazil. Changing identities, shelters and places of stay and eaten by remorse will not be given to his mysterious death on the beach in 1979.

How is it possible that this Nazi boss has escaped all the pitfalls for thirty years? How did I Mengele not to turn out to the agents who traveled the Nazis? Which secret services helped him? The disappearance of Josef Mengele, a book on the border of non -fiction literature, plunges into the dark waters in which Mosada agents, former Nazis, puppet dictators and pushed women, fanaticism, money, fear and remorse. Amazing reconstruction of the real story as a lifelong escape from justice.

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