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Vaccination Signals

String Anna
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209 Kč (8,71 €)
List price: 279 Kč (11,63 €)
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List Number: 01557
EAN: 9788087494042
Price excluding VAT:209,25 Kč (8,72 €)
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Professor Strunecká, author of the bestseller Time of Jedova, offers in a new book on vaccination comprehensible and clearly explain the mechanisms of immunity and the consequences of vaccination. Detailed and true information about vaccines should be accessible to all citizens in a democratic state. Similarly, each parent should be the right of freedom of informed consent in the vaccination of their children. Vaccination is an invasive medical procedure that, albeit in rare cases, can cause damage and death a pretty healthy person. More and more people are eager for objective and scientifically substantiated information and do not intend to rely solely on what advertising, media or state authorities recommend. A similar book on the Czech book market is still missing. Readers will also find advice to parents to vaccinate from a general practitioner and a legislative part processed by a lawyer under the latest amendments to the Public Health Act.

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