
Smart napkins capturing colors 20 pcs.

Thanks to these napkins, which catch colored fibers, you can wash colored clothes together without worry...
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47 Kč (1,96 €)
List price: 59 Kč (2,46 €)
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List Number: P2461
EAN: 5060411610774
Price excluding VAT:39,01 Kč (1,63 €)
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Thanks to these napkins, which capture colored fibers, you can safely wash colored clothes together without without coloring each other.

They collect and hold the dye molecules that mix in the hot water during the wash cycle.
They also trap impurities from the water. This means that your clothes are washed in cleaner water and the drum of the washing machine is free of dirt after washing, so you just need to wipe it dry with a cloth.
Clothing that generally loses color quickly will now retain color for longer.
Extremely easy to use.
Protects clothes from staining.
They prevent fading and keep the intense color longer.

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