
Secrets of Sprakkar - How extraordinary women Iceland changes the world

Reidal Eliza
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318 Kč (13,25 €)
List price: 398 Kč (16,58 €)
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List Number: 31867
EAN: 9788076892156
Price excluding VAT:318,40 Kč (13,27 €)
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Why is Iceland for women the best place to live?
For the past twelve years, Iceland has always ranks first in the list of countries in the World Economic Forum report on the list of unevenness between men and women. What does women owe to Iceland for such a positive experience? Why did the local society achieve such significant progress, from the election of the world's first president to the approval of legislation focused specifically to balance conditions in work and private life? How can we learn from what the Icelanders have already found - that the equivalent position of women in society brings benefits for all?
Eliza Reid examines the attitude towards women in the country that has become her second home, and discovers a deeply rooted sense of justice, the influence of contemporary and historical patterns, but also the areas where Iceland still has room to improve. Her own experience of an immigrant from the Canadian small town, who has never expected her current life role, is readingly overlapped with interviews with dozens of Sprakkar ("extraordinary women"). The author thus opens an engaging discussion of what it is like to live as a woman in contemporary society and how conventions affect our idea of ​​equality.
The secret of Sprakkar is an impressive and concise portrait of a small country, which can be a great inspiration. The fact that Icelandic has a word Sprakkar in the dictionary - an ancient expression that translates as an "extraordinary woman" - will tell you a lot about Iceland as a country.

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