
The world of herbs with Roman Pavel - digestive problems

The second part of the new popular series of publications by the world of herbs with Roman Pavel offers readers a detailed acquaintance with another series of useful, often also beautiful plants offered by our generous nature.
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
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List Number: 25545
EAN: 9788088437000
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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The second part of the new popular series of publications by the world of herbs with Roman Pavel offers readers a detailed acquaintance with another series of useful, often beautiful plants, which our generous nature offers us. This time their selection is focused on helping in various digestive problems. An experienced and respected author, also known from the popular TV show Polopath, gives practical advice and proven recipes that help, for example, in the inflammation of the oral cavity, in numerous problems with digestion and more complex glands. In the book, again equipped with a number of illustrative photos, there are also simple instructions on how to grow some rare herbs.

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