
Bee's heart has five chambers - as I became a beekeeper

Helen Jukes feels imprisoned in the city carousel of office plot and temporary addresses. Jukes Helen
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295 Kč (12,29 €)
List price: 369 Kč (15,38 €)
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List Number: 29725
EAN: 9788076701014
Price excluding VAT:295,20 Kč (12,30 €)
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On the threshold of thirty, Helen Jukes feels imprisoned in the city carousel of office plot and temporary addresses. She tries to settle in her new work in Oxford, and she realizes that she must change herself to experience a meaningful life filled with love and work. At that time friends donate her colony (according to old myths donated colony brings happiness) and Helen begins his first beekeeping year. But what does it mean to "breed" these wild creatures? How can new bees knowledge contribute to discovering themselves? And will bring her the way to the bowels of the hive of the release?
It is a book equally surprising, beautiful and arousing astonishment such as the life of bees and hive.
- Helen Macdonald, author of the book J as a Hawk
While Helen is looking for a role in an amazing hive ecosystem, the act of breeding brings her a new perspective on her life, deepens her friendship (old and new) and revives her world. Her narrative is a fascinating way in the footsteps of bees and their hive and the history of our observation of bees. It is a breathtaking reflection on responsibility and care, vulnerability and confidence, creating new bonds and entering the field yet unexplored.

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