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School Workbook Mole 523 Wasless

school workbook No.523, format A5, 20 sheets, 12 mm lines, 70g/m2
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9 Kč (0,38 €)
List price: 19 Kč (0,79 €)
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List Number: 03921
EAN: 8595014819554
Manufacturer:BOBO BLOK
Price excluding VAT:7,85 Kč (0,33 €)
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P> School workbook with licensed Mole Motor by Zdeněk Miler. The schoolbook lines no.523 have a 12 mm range . The workbook is made of irrelevant paper which means that the workbook was made of fibers not containing wood. 20 linked leaves are in A5 format. The lines are at a distance of 12mm . Workbook paper has a 70g/m2 . Unlike school workbooks of other brands that have a grammage of 60g/m2. Higher grammage means higher bending strength and tightening grammage ensures less translucency and better writing quality.

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