

Žamboch Miroslav
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199 Kč (8,29 €)
List price: 249 Kč (10,38 €)
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List Number: 01807
EAN: 9788073878696
Price excluding VAT:199,20 Kč (8,30 €)
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The reality of the world of habitable people is fragile, the strength of chaos, the magic of nourished instability, gifted by their own intelligence lurking on the slightest opportunity to degenerate the balance to their advantage. The laws of people are relentless and not always fair, everything is subject to the only one: to preserve the world. The borders are guarded by soldiers, and despite the most modern technique and the most sophisticated war magic, they die often and quickly. In addition, the danger of the exterior comes.
Do not forget, you need to know what to use - whether a sword, a trench scoop, a large carabiner or your brain. You may not be wrong, because in that case you are dead.

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