
Collector's Lexicon - Historical cartridge weapons (and all around them)

Weapons have always been, are and will probably be a source of contradictions and contradictory opinions.Petr Litoš
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
List price: 299 Kč (12,46 €)
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List Number: 25914
EAN: 9788020619594
Manufacturer:Naše vojsko
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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Weapons have always been, are and will probably be a source of contradictions and contradictory opinions. That is why today it is necessary to talk and write about weapons and all around them. This is also the basic purpose of this lexicon, which contains 333 separate passwords from the field of weapons, their history, the terminology used and legislative context. In Lexicon, in addition to the technical parameters and terms, the historical context of the origin and role of individual weapons and their engagement in famous battles is approached. All the ancient weapons and gunsmiths today include our respect, admiration and sincere thanks. Just as well as today's collectors for their care for historical weapons and the effort to maintain these gems for future generations. The author wishes all colleagues in the weapon a lot of collecting successes, well -being, patience and adamance in protecting the right of a free person to possess a weapon.

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