
Our grandmother's rhymes

Nursery, songs, verses and language -collams from Czech folk poetry are selected from prostonarium songs and rhymes and from the works of Karel Jaromír Erben.Josef Lada
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152 Kč (6,33 €)
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List Number: 25766
EAN: 9788074241185
Price excluding VAT:152,15 Kč (6,34 €)
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blow, blow, breeze, show me one pear… When I grazed the goose, I was shaking in the winter… Růžička is angry that she does not have the leaves… was one grandma, sold apples… girl blue -eyed, don't sit by the stream… The cat crawls through the hole, The dog through the window, if it does not rain… said the crow, we buy a sled… the goose flew, flew from high, could not fly… etc. Jaromir Erben.

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