
Board puzzle Mole on a trip 15 pieces

How quickly does the Mole manage to go on a trip? It depends on how long it takes the children to put his picture together.
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87 Kč (3,63 €)
List price: 109 Kč (4,54 €)
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List Number: P2397
EAN: 8590878001084
Price excluding VAT:72,06 Kč (3,00 €)
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How quickly does the Mole manage to go on a trip? It depends on how long it takes the children to put his picture together. A total of 15 pieces of the puzzle will gradually reveal what the mole is carrying with him and how many friends are traveling with him on the expedition. Small children from the age of 3 can compose, so they can practice their motor and discrimination skills as well as their imagination.

Each piece of the puzzle was made of high-quality, strong and healthy cardboard, which will not harm children even if swallowed. The puzzle was made in the Czech Republic and received the Safe and quality toy certificate.

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