
Merry first graders - first reading with tasks

Adam will go to school after the holidays. He doesn't know what to expect there yet, so he is looking forward to it, but he's a little scared.Zuzana Pospíšilová
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175 Kč (7,29 €)
List price: 219 Kč (9,13 €)
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List Number: 24914
EAN: 9788090573857
Price excluding VAT:175,20 Kč (7,30 €)
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Adam will go to school after the holidays. He doesn't know what to expect there yet, so he is looking forward to it, but he's a little scared. Mainly because they have no idea if he finds any friends at school. But his fears will soon dissolve. During the holidays, Lucka, with whom he gets friends, moves into their house. In addition, they meet at school in the same class, so they spend a lot of time together and experience many adventures. They even get a four -legged friend. What? We won't reveal that anymore. With a taste, start reading! You can experience all adventures together with Adam and Lucka, who will gradually guide you from kindergarten throughout the first class. For short texts and uppercase letters, the book can be recommended to beginners. When performing tasks, they practice not only reading, but also memory and observation

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