
The story of two lizards and the sun

A playful book about siblings and love of mom for children tells the story of two lizards that you will feel in your soul.Iryna
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287 Kč (11,96 €)
List price: 359 Kč (14,96 €)
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List Number: 25815
EAN: 9788099971036
Price excluding VAT:287,20 Kč (11,97 €)
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A playful book about siblings and love of mom for children tells the story of two lizards that you will feel in your soul. It inspires children to look into their hearts, name their own feelings, understand and accept them. So get to know yourself. Brother and sister, Lolo and Lili, think the sun they love very much have little. They wonder if the sun returns when they get lost for a moment, and who is shining more. They set out on a trip to find the place where the sun shines most. However, something very important will appear.

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