
Přemyslid Epic IV. - the king of the poet

Author: Vlastimil Vondruška Read: Jan Hyhlík
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15,63 €
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List Number: 03313
EAN: 8594072272264
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The final part of the tetralogy about one of the most famous epochs of Czech history, about the time of the Great Přemyslid Kings, begins with the limp after the death of Přemysl II. Otakar, continues through the government of King Wenceslas II. And ends with the murder of his son Wenceslas III. King Wenceslas II. He was an extremely interesting personality, perhaps a little underestimated in history. It was during his reign that a model of the Estates State was created with the exact division of responsibility between the ruler and the nobility. But he himself was an artist in his soul, an excellent poet, but also a man known for his erotic passion. His time is the time when the face of medieval Bohemia has completed. As in previous episodes, the storyline of the novel takes place in the wide space of all Christian Europe and attracts members of the Přemyslid family with its threads and important personalities of that time.

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