
Truth or lie

Young writer Lowen Ashleigh was in financial distress. Hoover Colleen
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
List price: 299 Kč (12,46 €)
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List Number: 19970
EAN: 9788024941950
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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Young writer Lowen Ashleigh was in financial distress. Therefore, he decides to accept an offer that would avoid other circumstances. She will be hired by her husband's bestseller writer Verita Crawford to complete the highly successful book series for his wife. After a tragic accident, Verites cannot work and fans are beginning to be impatient…
Lowen will therefore move into the Crawford's house for a few days, a splendid mansion with large land so that she can establish where the verita ended. But it is not as simple as Lowen would like, and the disarming attraction of her husband's verita Jerremy does not make her work much easier. In addition, Lowen cannot get rid of the feeling that there is something wrong with the Crawford family. As if they were chased by one misfortune after another ...
Lowen is determined not to be distracted, finish the work and disappear from the house as quickly as possible. But then she discovers her detailed autobiography between Verita's notes - a frosty text that probably didn't have to get into anyone. It is a terrible and cruel confession that Lowen reveals not only what verity is, but also the truth about what is happening in their family…

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