
Desert star

Renée Ballard got a chance of life: restore the department of unresolved cases of LAPD and find justice ... Connelly Michael
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295 Kč (12,29 €)
List price: 369 Kč (15,38 €)
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List Number: 30668
EAN: 9788027607228
Manufacturer: Slovart
Price excluding VAT:295,20 Kč (12,30 €)
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Renée Ballard got a chance of life: to restore the department of unresolved LAPD cases and find justice for the families of those forgotten. The only hook is that they must first clarify the unresolved murder of the sister of the city councilor who holds the protective hand over the department - otherwise they lose everything…

Harry Bosch comes first in the list of investigators that Ballard wants to bring to the department. The detective Bosch is a living legend, but it also follows its own goal: it wants to solve a crime that has not gone to sleep for years - murdering the whole family and its burial in the desert. He once promised to complete this case. But the murderer still escapes, the evidence cannot be grasped well, and Bosch so inevitably heads for a decision that he never wanted to do in his life…

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