

A perfect life that turns into hell on the ground for a second.Karine Giébelová
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48 Kč (2,00 €)
List price: 59 Kč (2,48 €)
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List Number: 25877
EAN: 9788075654441
Price excluding VAT:43,20 Kč (1,80 €)
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A perfect life that turns into hell on the ground for a second after a second. At the beginning there is a banal story. A young woman returning from a party to a parked car is chased by a strange tall man hidden under the black hood. On the abandoned night street, it acts only as a sinister shadow. However, you will not get rid of the shadow, you will not get it, you will not kill it. He goes where you go, watching you. Like your past. And everyone has it. The unscrupulous top manager who committed something irreparable, arrogant and cynical police investigator, convincingly hiding injured feelings, a young timid cop who is not lucky, a woman dying of cancer, a girl living in a mental hospital… all and many Others meet in an artfully braided history of one sophisticated crime that you will read in one go. A fascinating story about how a perfect life can turn into a nightmare at first glance, to which every person is alone in the end. Those who do not experience her will not believe in it who lives her, brings it to madness. But even the nightmare has a face. Or is it just a shadow? Anyone who reads this book will understand that it is not just NESB? or Kepler. Let's remember the author's name.

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