
Planta sapiens - about the intelligence of plants

Planta Sapiens is a fascinating probe into the inner world of plants based on the most modern research of plant intelligence. Calvo paco
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359 Kč (14,96 €)
List price: 449 Kč (18,71 €)
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List Number: 29936
EAN: 9788076700963
Price excluding VAT:359,20 Kč (14,97 €)
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Planta Sapiens is a fascinating probe into the inner world of plants based on the most modern research of plant intelligence. If we can understand what it is like to be a plant, we could have much more from the outside world. Scientists have been documenting the abilities of plants for decades. They have shown that the plants communicate, manipulate other species and perform sophisticated movements. Less known are the latest evidence that plants may have "consciousness". Although they do not have a brain, their microscopic internal processes reveal a system that is not much different from the nervous network in our body. They can remember, learn and have intelligence that allows them to behave adaptively, flexibly, efficiently and predictively. If we look at plants in a new way, it can fundamentally turn our whole understanding of the world.

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