
Insect planet - o special, useful and fascinating vermin, without which we cannot live

Nature impresses us with its complexity and insects form a significant part of these sophisticated systems, in which we present only one type of millions.Anne Sverdrup-Thygesone
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List Number: 26111
EAN: 9788076700512
Manufacturer: Kazda Václav
Price excluding VAT:206,40 Kč (8,60 €)
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Nature impresses us with its complexity and insects form a significant part of these sophisticated systems, in which we present only one type of millions. That is why this book deals with a strange, beautiful and bizarre insect vermin, which forms the foundation of the world as we know it. Whether we like it or not, our Earth is basically an insect planet. * Discover the mysterious insect planet insects practically everywhere - in the forest and in the grass, in streams or in the park, but also in many very unexpected places - at an altitude of six thousand meters, in the deepest caves of the world, in church baptisms, inside and in computers and in computers and in computers and in computers Witches nostrils. These small animals differ considerably from us: some have a skeleton from the outside of the body like armor, others can have ears on their knees, eyes on the penis or tongue on their feet. Even though our insect companions have a brain size of sesame seeds, they can recognize their faces. Insects also have incredible reproductive and adaptation skills. Although there are 200 million insect individuals on each person living on Earth, their numbers decrease dramatically. While the human population has doubled over the past 40 years, the insects have decreased by half. At the same time, humanity is dependent on the work of many species of these small animals. We need them to pollinate, to decompose dead organisms and for clay formation, we need them as food for other animals, help us maintain harmful organisms at bay, spread seeds, help us in research and inspire us with their smart solutions. For purely egoistic reasons, we should be interested in the health and well -being of these small creatures. Care for them is a kind of life insurance for our children and grandchildren.

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