
New childhood - how to raise a bitch to benefit in a digitized world

The new childhood book offers a new, revolutionary view of modern technologies that our children are exhibited daily.
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263 Kč (10,96 €)
List price: 329 Kč (13,71 €)
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List Number: 21250
EAN: 9788081115561
Price excluding VAT:263,20 Kč (10,97 €)
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The new childhood book offers a new, revolutionary view of modern technologies that our children are exhibited daily. In a world where playing video games and the use of the Internet, children are concerned and inspires a number of research, engaged in the impact of these influences on the development of our children, Jordan Shapiro offers at first glance a surprisingly tolerant approach. Does he really play video games from children and deprives them of honest childhood? Or can he develop them in a certain way? After all, among their and our childhood, it does not even have to be such a fundamental difference. Shapiro not only offers a different point of view, moreover, well explained and based facts, but in some part his book turns into a mandatory manual for parents. It is impossible to separate children from modern technologies and social networks today. But thanks to the author's observations and advice, we can teach children to use them responsibly and without negative consequences. Jordan Shapiro will not tell you that you have all the modern attractions to take the children because they are bad. However, they will teach you how to send children to the digital world enough to keep this world to be destructive.

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