
Hold on to a hope

Abdi Hawa
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
List price: 299 Kč (12,46 €)
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List Number: 01192
EAN: 9788073877071
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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The book is a riveting autobiography of Somali gynecologist Hawa Abdi, engaging in the Human Rights movement and nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. At the same time, it is an authentic image of a sad fate and the tragic state of contemporary Somali society. Dr. Hawa Abdi and her daughters run a hospital and a school in the largest camp for displaced Somali citizens in a country that has existed for over twenty years and has provided a refuge for an incredible 90,000 people.

In 2010 he chose Glamor Hawu Abdi and her daughters Deqo and Amin Muhammad (which are also doctors) as "Women of the Year", and called the trio "Somali saints" and described Hawu Abdi as "Mother Teresa crossed with Ramb". In 2011, the American weekly newsweek dr. Abdi among the "150 women who shook the world". In her Somali hospital she and her daughters were able to save tens of thousands of lives.

Hawa Abdi was born in Mogadish, Somali in 1947, graduated in secondary education there. In 1979, after evening studies, she joined the title of Doctor of Law. In 1983, on its own countryside, she opened a small private clinic with one room, acting mainly as a maternity hospital. Later, the clinic grew into a hospital with 400 beds. Since the beginning of the 1990s, when Somalia broke out in Somalia, accompanied by a humanitarian disaster (and this war has not yet ended), dr. Hawa Abdi donates all patients affected by the war and provides them with medical and humanitarian help, regardless of social or clan position, financial security or personal beliefs of those he cares for.

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