
Unusual moments

Author: Millman Dan Number of pages: 276 Format: A5 Binding: Fixed
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215 Kč (8,96 €)
List price: 269 Kč (11,21 €)
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List Number: 03379
EAN: 9788072811687
Price excluding VAT:215,20 Kč (8,97 €)
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Each of us can become a peaceful warrior, a man in which bravery combines with love, a combat spirit with a heart full of peace. Then it is easier to deal with what life is about to do for him. Millman's book Unusual moments serves as a guide leading to a new way of life through the process of deep insight, knowledge and inspiration. The success depends on whether we find the courage to put pink glasses and look at each other without illusions. There are no everyday moments. Everything we do - be it walking, breathing or collecting brushwood - deserves the same attention as the top performances of an athlete or thinker. Life is a series of moments. And in each of them, one is either up or sleeping - either fully awakened or relatively dead. The quality of every moment does not depend on what we take from it, but what we bring to it.

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