
The best book about the baby ...

Parents' advice on how to handle the child's movement development from birth to one year, postpone the book for a while and look at your hands. Juríková Kateřina, Knězová Jana
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207 Kč (8,63 €)
List price: 259 Kč (10,79 €)
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List Number: 22360
EAN: 9788024269313
Price excluding VAT:207,20 Kč (8,63 €)
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Parents' advice on how to handle the child's movement development well from birth to one year postpone the book for a while and look at your hands. Tender, gently and firmly, hug your baby. Nobody learned your palms of touching the art, yet they know exactly what to do. The best book about your baby is and will always be your baby itself. No the best publication can replace the signals your baby sends to you from birth. Listen to him and learn to read his signals correctly. Your task is the only one - to love your child and create an environment that will help him in his natural development, not the contrary. This book aims to inspire you to naturally play with your baby at each stage of development. Every child is a personality from birth, so we cannot expect all the children to move the same in the given period. But the most important thing is no stage of development.

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