
My first puzzle animals from wilderness 4in1 (5.6,7,8 pieces)

Progressive children's puzzles from the Spanish company Educa with different difficulty, which children entertain for a longer period of time.
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223 Kč (9,29 €)
List price: 279 Kč (11,63 €)
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List Number: 30497
EAN: 8412668188976
Price excluding VAT:184,46 Kč (7,69 €)
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progressive children's puzzles from the Spanish company Educa with different difficulty that children entertain for a longer period of time.

Four separate puzzles of 24 x 16 cm in size, but with different number of pieces (from 5 to 8), gradually lead to the improvement of the child when composing and increasing difficulty. You can also remove and assemble the whole pet from each theme - monkey, zebra, lion and elephant.

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