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LP Arakain - schizophrenia

Celebration of 40 years of existence of Arakain and re -edition of another cult album.
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520 Kč (21,67 €)
List price: 650 Kč (27,08 €)
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List Number: 27803
EAN: 0099925676117
Price excluding VAT:429,75 Kč (17,91 €)
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After the legendary debut of Thrash The Trash, it will also be released in a special version on CD and LP in the second opus of this metal icon, this time the Schizofrenie album from 1991. Again great remastering, modified and reconstructed graphics and rich image documentation year 2022.

song list:

1. Time Rangers
2. Terror
3. Say and you have me
4. Stone Angel
5. Antichrist
6. Gilotina
7. Seventh seal
8. Schizofrenia

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