
Beautiful Stories Four Leaf Clover 2005 / 21. Big Book

The twenty -one big book of this popular edition contains stories from numbers 381 to 400 from 2005. Štiplová Ljuba | Lamková Hana | Lamka Josef | Poborák Jiří | Chvojka Petr | Havelka Stanislav | Ladislav Karel | Taufman Karel
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460 Kč (19,17 €)
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List Number: 28915
EAN: 9788087849620
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The twenty -one big book of this popular edition contains stories from numbers 381 to 400 from 2005. In the first story called Lora! Bum! The Four Leaf Clover guard the neighbor's naughty parrot, who tries to steal the robber. Matěj's pigs want to take the aliens in the story of the tracks in the snow. At Krucištejn Castle, the four -leaf clover must be careful about the ghosts. What is the magic of the old firefighting syringe, you can find out in the fire polycker. Myšpulín's invention in the story of the story of the same name will stick everything that enters his way. The butcher Bůčka awaits an unpleasant surprise in the newly opened FIFI-FIT-CENTRU. The four -leaf clover on the way to space will fail on Olyters on the planet and the new adventure begins. Until Tibet, Pinďa will inadvertently replaced the seven -mile sneakers. Who steals from the pantry of the compotes and leaves behind special traces, you will learn in underwater secrets. You can find out what confusion will be caused by fifinka when it starts to mix into the matter of others, you can learn in a story called Horoscopes. I practice a suit that practices not only for bobík, but also with a thief. In the next story Four Leaf Clover attracts tourists to the castle where the White Lady appears. When dolls start to do what they want, the four -leaf clover of the Superpanenky show invented for them. Dangerous trap on the river awaits competitors in another story in rapids. Space twins land in the garden of the Four Leaf Clover and destroy Fifince flower bed with tomatoes, fortunately aliens can magic. The paper dragons become drifts and carries a small princess of the chocolate king, the four -leaf clover again embarks on a rescue event. Then our friends will experience the right Martin's feast. When Pinďa draws a chess program into the computer, the chess is just starting. The thirteenth chamber is shrouded in mystery until Pinďa enters it. In the jubilee four -hundredth story of the constellation Four Leaf Clover, our bunch gets to the desert island, where they are under the supervision of cameras and television staff.
All these stories have one thing in common. And that they are full of adventure, tension, humor
And especially friendship. After all, four friends from Třeskoprsk have enjoyed children for over fifty -three years.
With Fifinka, Myšpulín, Bobík and Pinďa you will experience a lot of good fun while reading this book
And you will find that even after years they have lost none of the poetics that Jaroslav Němeček breathed in his unmistakable way.
The book also contains a comic book story Rex and Four Leaf Clover by Karel Ladislav with illustrations Jaroslav Němeček.

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