
Who is giggling here? - Animals and their feelings

When two friendly cats meet, they wipe themselves with nose, head and the whole body, while moving quietly ...Poschadel Jens, Pahlke Tobias
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79 Kč (3,29 €)
List price: 99 Kč (4,13 €)
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List Number: 26040
EAN: 9788088316725
Manufacturer: Kazda Václav
Price excluding VAT:79,20 Kč (3,30 €)
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When two friendly cats meet, the nose, head and the whole body wipe on themselves, while moving quietly. - The angry male is erected, showing each other their long sharp tusks and roaring aloud. - And the defenseless lion cub and lays woefully when they are afraid of something. - Animals cannot communicate with words like us humans, but have their own language. They can rejoice, they can get a lot of furious and can be afraid. And all this expresses their body.

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