
Quarantine with a modern photo

Modern Fotr, Čeněk and Natasha in Quarantine!Dominik Landsman
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
List price: 299 Kč (12,46 €)
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List Number: 25606
EAN: 9788024945798
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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Modern Fotr, Čeněk and Natasha in Quarantine! This is how someone in China on the stand at the stall of the Bats on the peel and in a few months, on the opposite side of the globe, you are closed at home because you are lurking death, sewing masks and tame the passions of a hyperactive schoolboy whose education partially fell on You - schools are closed. And you gradually start hate all household members, which is practical because you are not talking to anyone else (after all, you can not) and you still watch new and new Minister of Health on TV, or the new Minister of Health as the same premiere in your back The nation informs that the next three weeks will be key. And so you start to hate everyone else… In the meantime, of course, here and there short and confusing windows of loosening and optimism. BEST IN COVID - Made in Czech!

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