
Jirka's secret key to the universe

Behind everything is the escape of Jirka's domesticated pig. Hawking Stephen William | Hawking Lucy
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13,30 €
List price: 16,63 €
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List Number: 29642
EAN: 9788024267517
Price excluding VAT:13,30 €
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For everything is the escape of Jirka's domesticated pig. Thanks to him, Jirka becomes acquainted with his neighbors - Anna and her father Erik, who deals with science. Erik has the most powerful computer in the world and calls it cosmos. He can send Jirka and his friends to any place in space. Kosma, however, would like to use someone else - and Erik and Jirka will get into a huge danger. There is nothing more dangerous in the universe than a black hole… The book reads in one breath and connects a cheerful adventure with scientific data about the universe. You will find the latest knowledge about black holes by Stephen Hawking and also many color photographs directly from the cosmos.

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