
How did the fiškus pifku on the rooster

When a loud rooster is added to a flock of snacks, it doesn't bother it! Nordqvist sven
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11,97 €
List price: 14,96 €
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List Number: 29769
EAN: 9788027514342
Price excluding VAT:11,97 €
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When a loud rooster is added to a flock of snacks, it doesn't bite nothing good!

Grandfather Pettson has ten puffy hens in his chicken coop. Kocourek Fiškus likes to tease with them, and then they drive through the yard and often get some mischief. The hens are Fiškus's best friends right after Pettson's best friends. One day, however, Pettson will bring a hen's rooster and is made to a proper trouble.

The hens are completely paf. They like how they are proudly worn and crowded. But Fiškus is quite different. He suspects that a nice madhouse breaks out with a coat in the yard and that the scooped rack could push the cat out of the chicken favor. And Fiškus will definitely not like it. So he starts to make a plan to get rid of the annoying cock.

For children from the age of three.

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