
Gordon Ramsay: Just 10 minutes

According to the book of the top British chef Gordon Ramsay, you just cook great dishes in a moment. Ramsay Gordon
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399 Kč (16,63 €)
List price: 499 Kč (20,79 €)
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List Number: 28908
EAN: 9788027604531
Manufacturer: Slovart
Price excluding VAT:399,20 Kč (16,63 €)
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According to a book of top British chef Gordon Ramsay, you just cook great dishes in a moment. In addition, each cooking will be increasingly faster thanks to Gordon shortcuts and handy tricks that will reduce the preparation time and speed up cooking. From simple and fresh ingredients you get the maximum for a minimum of time, be it chicken souvlaki, green polenta with spring vegetables and goat cheese, pumpkin pasta from one pelvis, whose cooking almost does not make a mess, roasted veal chops with Boston beans, tempting sharp fish Curry or super -fast sticky caramel pudding made of microwave. But Gordon says you don't have to cook with your watch in your hand. “It doesn't matter if your preparation takes you 10, 12 or even 15 minutes, I want to share my knowledge, professional knowledge and practical experience I have gained in 25 years, and everyone feels better And more confident chefs. This is a great meal in the fastest form and fast food in the highest quality. "

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