Window film 30 x 20 cm, Easter colored 2 chicks

Manufacturer:Anděl Přerov
List Number:P1420
Availability: In stock
Price excluding VAT:0,91 €

1,10 €

Decorative window film.
Our window films do not contain glue. They stick to the surface electrostatically and therefore leave no trace behind. Any smooth surfaces are suitable, for example glass, shop windows, mirrors or tiles.

Clean - no glue - reusable

1. We recommend cleaning the surface from dust and other impurities before use.
2. The film is easily applied by removing it from the backing paper and placing it on a smooth surface.
3. Apply the foil and smooth out any bubbles with your hand or a dry cloth.
4. After use, they can be stored on the original backing paper and stored for the next season.