
Children of Truth and Revenge

Adeyemi Tomi
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 23056
EAN: 9788027503506
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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Continuation of the bestseller series Link Orďši

Zélia and Amari managed to win the almost hopeless struggle and return magic to Orďš. But the ritual was stronger than they knew, and re -ironed the magical abilities not only of the bearing but also the nobles with magical ancestors.

Now Zelie must try to unite Mažie in a country where the enemy is stronger than ever. And because the nobility has an army on its side and is willing to do anything to maintain a government over the Old, Zelie embarks on the fight for Amarino the right to the throne in an effort to protect her anger from the anger of the monarchy.

The Civil War seems inevitable and there is still the most difficult task to find a way of unifying the country before Zélia and Amari so far, otherwise Ordša will fall apart in front of them. But how do they do this when they stop understanding each other?

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