
CD Rakosnicek - 4CD

Number of CD: 4 Edition date: 2011
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272 Kč (11,33 €)
List price: 340 Kč (14,17 €)
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List Number: 00716
EAN: 0099925613426
Price excluding VAT:224,79 Kč (9,37 €)
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CD 1: Rakosníček and Pond
1. How did the reeds solve a large underwater robbery
2. How did the reeder arranged not to come to the Ice Age
3. How did the Rakosnicek drive out of the brčaluk's laziness
4. How did the reeds be afraid that all water
will run away from the periwide
5. How the Rákosníček fought with water snails
6. How did the reeds worry with the fashion show
7. How with Rakosníček spinned the whole pond Brčál

CD 2: Reed and Weather
1. How did the reedr does not drive the frost
2. How did the reeds have taken care of the heat
3. How did the reeds do not cope with the rainbow
4. How did the reeder do the wind
5. How did the reedr does not eager the fog
6. How did the reeds supply the right gardening weather
7. How did the reeds do not make the winter

CD 3:. Reed and stars
1. How a reed car overtaken a large car and what was
2. How did the reedr mature on the heavenly shooter
3. How did the reeds save the Polar from the sun's beam
4. How did the Rakosnicek serve the star
5. How a reed made a carousel of the heavenly dragon
6. As a reed with an aquarius arranged to raining
7. How did the reed brought to the heavenly shepherd of a stray star

CD 4: Rákosníček remembers
1. Prologue
2. How did the reeds confuse all the waters
3. How did the reed because of the walking fish disgrace
4. How did the reedr does not arrange a clear
5. How did the reeds call a storm
6. As the reeds saved the clouds of the lambs in front of the stellar eagle
7. As the reeds saved the heavenly crayfish
8. Epilogy

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