
CDs and mountains answered

Author: Khaled Hosseini Number of CD: 1 Read: Renata Volfová
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375 Kč (15,63 €)
List price: 469 Kč (19,54 €)
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List Number: 03504
EAN: 8594072271816
Price excluding VAT:375,20 Kč (15,63 €)
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HALED HOSSEINI, author of the world's successful novels of dragons and thousands of groaning suns, publishes a third novel in which he returns to his native Afghanistan, but takes us to Paris or California. It tells the story of siblings divided in childhood. Abdullah grows up in the poverty of the Afghan countryside and continues to desire a lost sister, while Pari, who forgot that she had ever had a brother, raises a rich family in Kabul and Paris. Against the background of almost sixty years of dramatic Afghan history, the story of love, loss and victims takes place. Is it better to be detached from the family than to suffer misery? What can or do the rich for the poor? How strong are the family bonds and what consequences do our decisions have? Hosseini is looking for these questions in a masterful narrative. Will Abdullah and Pari meet again?

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