
Ali and a horse for a million million

Ali wishes the horse most of all and goes in the direction. Marboe Marcella
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 28922
EAN: 9788073766528
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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Ali wishes the horse the most and goes in the direction. And even if it was just an Old Old Soumar, in her imagination he is a hefty stallion on which he can make upstairs, stand on his head, circulate on the lunge, jump and jump on it, metat somersaults - but in short, on which he can show his comedy and Circus talent, which is not yet art, but Ali is already convinced at least about a circus career with boys and about world glory. Those guys - these are the bandwidths from the neighborhood. With them she experiences her adventures at the grandfather in the countryside, in a building where the king, grandfather of the old Sokol. But Ali suddenly becomes the lady of the house, hanging not only the boys from the neighborhood, but actually the whole world that moves around her. And yet everyone learns a lot of things - not only good behavior, cleanliness of the household, but also that regular exercise in any form, even the wildest and photographed, is both healthy and useful.

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